This is always when loading information from CPU about independent OBJECT, TEXTURE, MATERIAL or bone limit is exceeded on the card. Sections are generated each time when there is need to change parameters for rendering on Graphical Card (GPU). It is usually when new object (*.p3d), texture or material appears. Textures and materials are linked to each face separately so artist can have various materials on surface mapped with a single texture.Įverytime when Graphics Card (GPU) is instructed to draw with new parameters, we call it scene section. In ARMA engine we are able to use SPECULAR POWER, IRRADIANCE TABLE or FRESNEL values in *rvmat files. Material specularity is defined by a curve () that says how much light is reflected under all angles. This affects the precision of the shadow. Shadow buffer makes one soft shadow map calculated on GCard for whole scene from the viewport.

Also when ambient and diffuse settings of the material are not equal (and ForceDiffuse!=0) then resulting color isn't correct. This results in speculars still being present in shadows. Engine just subtracts diffuse light value on places where stencil shadow volume appeared. Stencil buffer shadows are sharp and they are added after the whole scene has been drawn. Shadows are calculated in ARMA engine two types, depending on values in Video options and each model setting. Values for shading calculations are combined from textures, effect bitmaps, engine light settings (config) and material settings (*.rvmat). More complex materials use per pixel normal orientation.

It is similar to well known Gouraud shading model. Simple materials count lighting per vertex by interpolating light direction between face edges (normals). O = direction of light (1= pixel is lit, 0= pixel is in shadow) S = specular (setting of material glossiness and specularity) It is always present at same intensity all over the scene and its value is done by overcast setting) ARMA engine has just one light source of directional light - sun or moon.) D is calculated as max(L.N,0)*sunLightColor - where L is light direction, N is surface direction (normal)Ī = ambient lighting (color and intensity. In real-time render we still have to simplify so Artist must understand how shading works in engine to be able prepare the best realistic looking surfaces.ĪRMA engine counts lighting as T * (D.o + A) + S.oĭ = diffuse lighting (color, intensity and direction. Lighting and shading is what makes 3D scene appealing.